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Home | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Role 1 | Role 2 | Role 3 | Conclusion |

Captain Planet has selected our classroom to become Planeteers to help save our environment. All Planeteers have a great awareness about pollution, recycling, and global warming. You will first need to research some very important facts before becoming a Planeteer.

You will be working in groups of 3 and each of you will be responsible for one topic. All topics must be covered by each group

Research Topics:

At this time please get into groups of 3 and determine who will do which topic. Use the websites found on the PROCESS page to answer the questions pertaining to your specific topics.

After you have answered your questions, you will discuss your fidings among your group. Your group will then present each member's findings together on one poster board. Please use creative, colorful knowledgeable facts on the board.