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The Environment is the external conditions, resources, and stimuli with which we interact. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment by man that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms. Pollution has had a negatvie impact on our environment. There are two categories of pollution: point source and non-point source.
Point source pollution is a single, identifiable, localized source of air, water, thermal, noise or light pollution.
Non-point source pollution is water pollution affecting a body of water from diffuse sources rather than a point source which discharges to a water body at a single location. Non-point source pollution may derive from many different sources with no specific solution to rectify the problem, making it difficult to regulate.
PA State Standards Addressed:
4.2.D. Identify by-products and their use of natural resources.
• Identify those items that can be recycled and those that can not.
• Identify use of reusable products.
4.3.A. Know that plants, animals and humans are dependent on air and water.
• Know that all living things need air and water to survive.
• Identify different areas where health can be affected by air, water or land pollution.
• Identify actions that can prevent or reduce waste pollution.
4.3.B. Identify how human actions affect environmental health.
• Identify pollutants.
• Identify sources of pollution.
• Identify litter and its effect on the environment.
• Describe how people can reduce pollution.
4.8.C. Explain how human activities may change the environment.
• Identify everyday human activities and how they affect the environment.
• Identify examples of how human activities within a community affect the natural environment.
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